Leon Links: Daiichi Pro Staff
Leon Links
Brempark 34
2724 HV Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
0031 (0)793424783
Clubs and Organizations: VNV (Vereniging voor Nederlandse Vliegvissers),
GS (Grayling Society)
Leon Links was born in 1953 in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. He now lives with partner and daughter in Zoetermeer, close to Amsterdam. For a living he teaches Dutch language and literature. In the mid-1960s Leon started fishing with flies in Norway during his summer holidays. This made an immense impression on him. From those years on he developed himself as a passionate fly fisher in his own country and abroad. He has a preference for river fishing for trout and grayling. His favorite rivers are to be found in Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain and Belgium.
Besides actual fly fishing, Leon is fond of fly tying, making photos of fly fishing objects, collecting and reading fly fishing books and writing articles for several magazines. Leon has been a member of the editorial staff of De Nederlandse Vliegvisser, the Dutch fly-fishing magazine, for more than 25 years, specializing on book reviews and fly tying. His articles are being published in Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Finland, England, Italy and South-Africa as well. Besides that, Leon contributed to several fly fishing and fly tying books.
In 2002 his book Tying Flies with CDC was published by Merlin Unwin (UK) and Stackpole Books (USA). Leon specializes in tying CDC flies and several other types of flies, traditional and innovative. He sometimes does talks, workshops and demonstrations. Actual fly fishing stays his main interest though. Together with his fishing pal and close friend Hans van Klinken, Leon does several smaller and bigger projects like working on a website and making a new book.
Why Daiichi: Leon prefers Daiichi hooks for several reasons. The quality is just outstanding, Daiichi hooks are sharp and never break. Daiichi has all models fly tiers need, some of them are unique like the new Klinkhamer and bomber hooks. Daiichi, moreover, listens very seriously when customers have requests or suggestions for improvement.