Vincent Su
Vincent Su
Denver, Colorado
Vincent Su, is an outdoor enthusiast who lives in the Denver metro area. Born in 1964, he did not know anything about fly fishing until 1997 introduced by his father in law. He quickly grew to love both fly fishing and fly tying. After catching the first fish with a fly tied himself, as a gear-head person, the excitement got him hooked and prompted for some innovations. He is the inventor of the 720 Vise. He also enjoys photography and by studying aquatic insects with macro photos, he has developed some of his own tying styles and techniques. By learning fly fishing from tail water, in order to better match the hatch, he has developed his own hook size system. In summer time, he’s rarely seen by other anglers as he likes to explore lesser known waters, especially pocket water fishing with dry flies in the mountains. When it comes to fly tying, although he enjoys tying dry flies the most, he also likes soft hackle flies and life-cycle patterns, such as still-born flies and emergers.
Why Daiichi: With precisely matching the hatch in mind, a hook’s size consistency is very important. Not only that, a hook has to be strong and sharp to perform as they should. If I’m going to count on the hook to bring in the fish, it has to be perfect all the time. That’s why I rely on Daiichi.