Clifford (Cliff) Sullivan
Clifford (Cliff) Sullivan
1252 AnnaMarie Way
Tracy CA 95377
Cliff Sullivan has been fly tying and fly fishing since 1956. He has also been instructing youth and adult fly tying programs from beginner to advance since 1982. In 1990 Sullivan became an exhibition fly tier. He regularly ties for the Fly Fishing Show, The International Sportsmen s Expo. and instructs at the FFF International Conclave. Cliff is also a FFF Certified Fly Casting Instructor. In 1999 he wrote his first book (Stillwater Trout) and he has also produced a video for TV (Introduction to Fly Tying) in 2002. Cliff`s “”Crawler Fly”” has fished in the Jackson Hole one Fly. Sullivan tied his CDC Emerger Fly in Jack Dennis and Friends video volume 3. This fly was also published in Tying Emergers by Jim Schollmeyer and Ted Leeson. Cliff has had flies published in numerous other fly tying publications and has been a guide and instructor for 25 years. In 2006 he started working for Sierra Stream & Mountain.