Tony Pagliei
Tony Pagliei
Lansing MI
Originally from Western New York, now residing in south central Michigan, Tony brings over three decades of fly tying and fly fishing experience to the table. During the summer months, he guides on Michigan’s Grand River for warmwater gamefish (smallmouth bass and common carp).
Some of his hobbies include- commercial fly tying and designing, freelance writer, web designing ( and custom rod building. Tony grew up along the shores of Lake Erie which stands to reason why he is so fond of the Great Lakes region and its diverse fisheries. As a member for several National Pro Staff Advisory teams, Tony makes a full-time living in the sport of fly fishing and is the owner of the T. Pags Company, LLC. His company produces multi-media products (websites, television shows, DVD s and commercials) along with a line of custom tube fly tying materials.