Vic Hadley
Vic Hadley
540 Montara Way
Eugene, OR 97405
Club: Cascade Family Fly Fishers
Organizations: International Federation of Fly Fishers
Being a third generation Oregonian and growing up in Paisley, Oregon provided me with a life style that encouraged my interest in fishing, hunting, and a sense of adventure. I started fishing when I was three or four years old, and started fly fishing with my Dad when I was seven or eight. This interest has stayed with me my whole life. I started tying flies in 1971 and have been tying ever since then. I have been demotying, and teaching classes for adults and kids for many years, and continue to do so. I was honored in March 2014 at the Oregon IFF Expo with “The 2014 Fly Tyer of the Year” award.
Why Daiichi: I picked Daiichi hooks because of their sharpness, strength, and variety of sizes and styles