Daryl Burry
Daryl Burry
(709) 722-8346
Daryl Burry is 57 and has fished for Atlantic salmon since he was 8 years old. He has been a professional Atlantic salmon/trout guide for nearly 40 years. Unlike many guides who limit their activities to their home rivers, he has an in depth and intimate knowledge of a majority of Newfoundland & Labrador’s nearly 200 scheduled and unscheduled salmon rivers. He guides clients from all over the globe and is on the river practically every day of the season. Burry is featured in part, in Topher Brown’s Atlantic Salmon Magic. Burry is a strong advocate of hook and release angling and agrees with famed American sportsman Lee Wulff’s vision that “the Atlantic salmon is too wonderful a creature to be caught just once”. Although his true passion is salmon angling and guiding he also cherishes his time at the vise. Daryl is also a world class dresser of traditional featherwing Atlantic salmon flies.
He was declared Master Tyer at the North Atlantic Salmon Fund’s fly tying competition/auction held in Norway in 1996. The proceeds helped in the initial buyout of the commercial salmon fishery off Greenland with the hopes that it would result in an increase in the numbers of large or multi-seawinter fish. He dresses traditional featherwing salmon flies for exhibition and also for fishing. Burry says, “There’s just something about hooking an Atlantic salmon on a full dressed Silver Grey”. Burry also ties numerous hairwings each year. His flies have been featured in books such as Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies by Paul Marriner and Shrimp and Spey Flies for Salmon and Steelhead by Chris Mann and Robert Gillespie. He instructs fly tying classes during the winter months and appears at outdoor/fly fishing trade shows and various other venues. Daryl is a member of the Atlantic Salmon Federation, a former board member of the Salmonid Association of Eastern Newfoundland (SAEN) and former member of the Salmon Preservation Association for the Waters of Newfoundland (SPAWN).
Why Daiichi: “I’ve tied with practically every conceivable hook out there over the years from antique blindeyes to just about every make/style of salmon hook available today (including value priced knockoffs). As far as I’m concerned, nothing compares to Daiichi, PERIOD! Beautiful hooks.”