Coleman’s March Brown Nymph
Meet the Daiichi 1760.
This pattern came about in the mid fifties because soft bodied nymphs with partridge hackle are great looking but they are not durable for more than a few fish. The original pattern had a South American condor stripped wing quill rib over wet lacquered brown floss with three coats of waterproof lacquer over the abdomen area. With zero availability of the condor quill in the late sixties a white floss rib replaces the condor quill. The floss rib is even more durable than the condor quill thus upgrading the pattern. This pattern works well during March Brown activity on most streams. Carl has fished it in Eastern streams, Western rivers and many of his cusomers have used it with great success in New Zealand. However, this pattern is not just valuable as a March Brown only. It also works well in streams that have stone fly hatches as well as those with a good crayfish population. It also works well in ponds and small lakes. The most productive sizes for this Nymph are #14 – #6. Having a heavy weighting, it sinks faster in the larger sizes. Carl suggests fishing this nymph dead drift up stream. Before strike indicators came along, Carl would grease (using Mucilin TM silicone) the last 10 feet of his line about every 10 minutes using it as a strike indicator. If the nymph hits the bottom and snags up, he suggests changing to a smaller size to keep the fly in the water column of feeding fish. The pattern was extensively tested empirically in a number of abdomen colors including green, orange, yellow, red, but the dark brown color was best. Carl has found this nymph one of the best fish catchers when prospecting for fish with no noticeable feeding activity. Recipe- Hook: Daiichi 1760 (sizes 14 – 6) wrapped with lead wire sized for hook size. Thread: Black 6/0 Tail: Brown hackle Body: Dark brown floss, laquered just before rib is wound (this will hold ribbing in place) Rib: White floss well waxed to prevent it from going clear when lacquer is applied Wing Case: Natural goose wing quill Thorax: Peacock herl Hackle: Brown (three or four turns, trimmed off on bottom). Other Features: For durability, three coats of laquer over the abdomen.
Carl Colman: Is a fly fishing Guide fishing on the Lake Ontario tributaries. He frequently fishes the Oak Orchard creek, Lower Genesee river and Sandy Creek for steelhead from mid March – mid April. You`ll also find him on the Salmon river in both the late spring and fall. Carl also guides all year on the Oatka creek and Spring Brook for wild Brown Trout. Contact Carl at Coleman`s fly shop 585-352-4775 or at